Sunday, June 1, 2008

Day 33

I just read the article about Emily Gould that was in last Sunday's New York Times. She talks about how she over shared her life on her blog and it made me think about my reasons for blogging at all.

When I started my other blog we tried to get hits (I'm not trying to speak like royalty, the original blog was done with a good friend). This blog, I've been trying to keep more private, but it is always tempting to make it more public. Why?

Part of it is validation. It is a thrill to have an unknown person comment on my blog. That my writing has moved someone to action. However small it might be.

The blogging started as a way to get someone to notice and/or promote our book. And it has turned into a nice way to keep in the habit of writing. Not that I do a great job. I don't proofread as much as I should as Barry delights in pointing out my dangling participles and egregious misuse of commas. But I do try to organize my thoughts (a little) and come up with (slightly) clever turn of phrase.

Even with wanting to write fiction, I always seem to come back to writing something that is slightly autobiographical. Maybe it is some sort of egomania. It makes me think of Jason Schwartzman's character in The Darjeeling Limited.

I just saw Darjeeling Limited last night. I love when two things like movies or books or articles dovetail like that into this free association thought process. Ideas bouncing off of each other like molecules and forming new compound thoughts.

Ok, this blog is going into weird territory that normally gets reserved for my other blog or my personal diary, but in the spirit of Emily Gould I'm going to post it anyway.

Here I go, pushing the button.;.now


Isabella said...

I read that article too and thought it was fascinating--what's more, I then had to go online and get every detail that way!

Kelly said...

I know! Me too! Including checking the Julia Allison blog.