Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Day 35

Piper's birthday party went well. So different having a party for girls vs. boys. Ordered way too much pizza.

Piper got in trouble at school (a couple of weeks ago) for saying, "Oh my god." Not sure if she never said it at Romona or if she did and didn't get in to trouble. She had to sit out for 5 minutes. She was genuienly shocked. I think it was the first time she ever got in to trouble at school. I told the kids not to say, "god" at school anymore, explaining that people might be offeneded.

They know they're not allowed to say the other 4 letter words, but I guess I never told them about that. I did tell them not to say something "sucked" which is another one of those border things.

It's hard to explain to them why certain words are bad. And they asked what the F word meant. It depends on the context I told them. Not really.

I guess that f**k and s**t should conjure images of what they actually are and they do still seem a little shocking. I think that people my age have heard them so much that the meaning has sort of been lost and they've just become these emphatic words.

Damn and hell seem more to depend on a religous context as do using god or JC as a curse. I would never in a million years think of using another religous figure as a curse, but because I was raised Christian (sort of) it doesn't seem bad to me. Also my Grandmother used to say it!

Zach said he wished that all bad words would be against the law and that if he were president that is what he would do. Ooh, I just thought that I have to have him keep his political thoughts to himself at school now that we are no longer in a blue state. All I need is for him to get expelled from school for saying that Bush is the worst president because he lies.

Kids are requesting breakfast.

Eggy in Omaha,


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