Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 37

So Barry keeps telling me that I should treat living in Omaha like an adventure. Pretend like I'm living in another country! Get to know the locals and their customs!

OK, I've done that, I've been meeting people, it's all very nice. What I need now is to find someone that speaks my language. I need to find an expat club of coastal people. I want to speak the language of NPR, and The New York Times, and to celebrate Barack's victory and speculate who he'll pick as his VP. I want to talk about Michael Pollan and biodynamic farming.

By the way, just remember that you read about biodynamic farming here first. My prediction is that it is going to replace organic as the new standard. As the Wal-Marts and Super Targets of the world move into the world of organics and the "organic" label is going on all of the processed foods the original aim of the organic movement is being diluted. I.e. supporting small, sustainable farms and moving away from a monoculture of corn. I think that term Biodymanic is going to be used to separate food grown in this way from merely being chemical-free.

On the other hand, it is a good thing that organic is going mainstream and becoming more affordable. And the more produce that is grown organically the better for our environment, but that doesn't mean we can't strive to do better.

Linguistically Lost,


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