Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day 23

The day started out gray and depressing matching my mood or perhaps vice versa.

It was the last day of school and I felt so disconnected from the community here. It made me miss Romona School and all of our friends there. I think Zach felt it too. He said how much everything was making him think of his friends and Chicago. I really feel like I need to snap out of my funk so that I don't infect the kids with my "I hate Omaha" negativity.

I was the mom with the scarlet C on her chest. It's Piper's first cavity and it turns out she might need a root canal! The dentist was quite nice about it. Even the hygienist was nice and I always feel like they are like the Gestapo of dental care. Piper was devastated last night when I told her it was probably a cavity that was bothering her. She did really well today, next week is when she has the work done.

After dinner today (made my own Thai food thank you very much) we discovered Thunder Alley . Imagine Pinstripes minus the bocce and fanciness add an indoor go-kart track and a Chuck-E-Cheeze like arcade and you've got Thunder Alley. Not sure if it cheered me or made me more depressed.

A bright spot; we found a babysitter!



chelle said...

(Note: I just spent a lot of time trying to comment on this blog - password labrynth) Moving is one of the most stressful things you can do. Consider your body in something akin to postpartum depression. You will recover. And perhaps go on to become some Masters Womens Basketball player. Wish I was there!

Kelly said...

Thanks Chelle! I wish you were here too! I will keep the postpartum depression thing in mind. My friend Melanie says it takes as long to make a baby as to feel settled in a new place.

As for the basketball - given my height and age I think I'll settle for getting on a 3.5 tennis league.


chelle said...

Interesting, you can see how often people have read the blog under "complete profile". I can toggle back and forth and increase the number each time. This should help increase your ad revenue.

Kelly said...

Since you're nice enough to up my count I gave you something to read there too!