Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day 22

Last night I went out with one of the mom's from Zach's class. (I will call her G) Her husband works at the same company as Barry, so when I found out that her son was in Zach's class I called her up and asked her out. (i.e. for her son to come over for a playdate) The first playdate went well she reciprocated and last night was our first Mommy Date.

We went to an upscale Mexican place and split some surprisingly good fish tacos and had a little wine. Then she invited me back to her place for some more wine. So, it seems to have gone well (plus she called me this am to check in).

G has lived in Omaha for 5 years and is originally from CA and has moved a lot, so we have a lot in common - especially since a lot of the other people here are born and bred Nebraskans. But there is no tennis or book club. :-(

G also invited another Omaha transplant (14 years here). I'm not quite so sure how that one went. I don't think that we quite clicked, but it is hard to say why.

Today Barry encountered something new in Omaha - no not a democrat - traffic!

Have a playdate now scheduled for Piper for next week (school is out already!) I was unsure if the mom wanted it to be a whole family playdate or not (she has a daughter in Zach's class too). So we left it at playing it by ear.

I feel awkward with whether I should stay at playdates now. I would love to get to know some more people and plus feel comfortable that everything is ok at the house. I think it will be ok to stay for a little on the playdate next week since it is an after lunch.

OK, I have to go take cupcakes to Piper's class for her birthday. I was thinking about bringing fruit kabobs, but I think I'll save that little quirk of mine for another time and let the kids get more secure in their classes.

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