Thursday, July 10, 2008

Would the Real Day 74 Please Stand Up

I finished Lonesome Dove. It was really really good, much better than I thought it was going to be. Now I feel in the Western mode. I want to read the sequel and to see 3:10 to Yuma (especially since I LOVE Christian Bale, more like 3:10 to Yumma! - that was so adolescent I know.)

The 900+ pages went by really quickly. Now I need a new book to read, I was going to read Brothers Karamazov or The Idiot, but I think I might need something shorter. I saw two good books reviewed in The NYT a couple of weeks ago. Apples and Oranges by Marie Brenner; a memoir about sibling relationships and More than it Hurts You by Darin Strauss - a novel about child abuse (sounds uplifting, no?). In the meantime, I've renewed my Harpers subscription and I've been getting depressed reading that. Two really good articles. One called Democracy and Deference by Mark Slouka, and another called Our Phony Economy by Jonathan Rowe. Really interesting. I'd like to have a Harpers Magazine Club.

That would be fun.

1 comment:

darinstrauss said...

Thanks for picking up my book. When you're done, shoot me an email ( and let me know wht you thought!
-Darin Strauss