Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 92

So much has been going on. We've had our first non-relative visitors. Three in a week. Right now we have a Welsh soccer coach staying with us. Zach is doing a British Soccer camp and we volunteered to have one of the coaches stay with us for the week. So far it is working out well. The kids love him, but he has to coach from 8:30am-8:30pm. They are all over him though when he is here.

Last weekend Barry and I and a friend of his from work went to an art gallery opening. Very cool. Check out this blog about it. In the top picture we bought the fuzzy yellow framed piece. It's by an artist named Chris Lawson who went to Haiti and worked with some students at an art center there. He showed them the beauty in found objects and how they could be manipulated to tell stories with themes of Christianity, Voodoo, and Imperialism. Two local artists Orenda and Todd Fink did an audio installation of found sounds of Haiti. It was really nice, I felt like it was my first crack in to the Omaha art scene and I met the woman who started Filmstreams , Omaha's first independent theater, that I read about in the NY Times prior to moving here.

Since I last posted we also took the kids to the Jonas brothers concert. The kids had a great time, but with a 7pm opening act, they couldn't last to the end. Which was fine by me. I think the overly long and downbeat song about the youngest Jonas brother's diabetes might have been what did them in. I feel terrible about the diabetes and all, especially knowing people who suffer from it, but 30 minutes including a video montage was just a little much. I'm sure no one want to bag on it and seem like an uncaring jerk (00ps!), but really someone should say something.


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